Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Cigarette Smoking On Young Adults Essay

Smoking, specifically cigarette smoking, causes 87 percent of total lung cancers deaths in the United States (Smoking, 2015). The numbers of cigarette smokers are increasing dramatically, with an alarming focus on young, college aged women. In research conducted of women aged 18 to 22 from 119 colleges throughout the United States, 28.5% were found to be active smokers. It is believed that this dramatic increase in college aged, women smokers is due to the high stress and changing environments of these women. This is a time when young adults are transitioning from the comfort of high school to the more rigorous demands of college. These demands come from higher academic standards, as well as the adjustment to living on your own without the accustomed parent supervision. As students begin to experience this stress and look for a coping mechanism, especially for women, they turn to the instant relief found from smoking cigarettes. In the same age population of college women ages 18 to 22, of women who report that they smoke regularly, research has found that 75.5% say they began smoking and continue to smoke because it relaxes and calms them from everyday stressors. (Gaffney, Wichaikhum, Dawson, 2002). This reliance on smoking for stress relief is an issue that needs to be targeted and prevented due to its detrimental health effects. Further research on the health implications of this smoking dependence in young, college aged women has been conducted to determine the longShow MoreRelatedHow Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People.1447 Words   |  6 PagesHow Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of smoke. Even before that I knew a lot of cigarette brands due to advertising. 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